Maybe last month I forgot to write a post because I was stewing this one to perfection. JK, it was because the last two months Tim not only burnt his own candle at both ends, but burnt one end of mine as well. But I am tired in so many more ways than one, so buckle the fuck up...
This month's move theme: What did we watch this October?
Hints: This month's movie is one of the handful we were able to watch this October, and oddly it turned out that I had seen this one before but completely forgot about it. (That's not shocking to anyone who knows how I retain movie information, but it is generally strange to watch something and vaguely know what's going to happen next but also not really know what's going to happen at all...) This month's movie is a weird little horror trilogy that features some stars of the time as well as people who went on to be very recognizable.
Content Warnings: In the opening scene a gun is pointed at students in a classroom setting. In that same scene there is a [MILD SPOILER] self harm "prank", so to speak.
If you have other content concerns, feel free to reach out (facebook or email at and we will happily address any concerns, big or small. We want fun surprises for everyone!
Mutual Aid Suggestion: (Here's where the buckling becomes relevant) this month's mutual aid suggestion is to reevaluate where you spend your time, energy and money, and start strengthening all of your communities. What yesterday illustrated without ambiguity is that what we spend our time, energy and money on matters SO FUCKING MUCH to the money hoarders that they will dump literal billions into imploding our (and any) country's government just to make it a liiiiittle easier for them to make more billions each year.
And that's not hyperbole. Colonization, Citizens United, boarder BS, union busting, stacking the Supreme Court, bribing Supreme Court Justices, lobbying, creating a war on drugs, creating racism, commodifying our prison systems, making our entire planet reliant on oil while hiding the dangers of it’s extraction and use, and so on, and so on, and so on; is all exclusively to make it just sliiiightly easier for capitalists to make even more obscene amounts of money in this arbitrary system they not only invented, but perpetuate almost out of compulsory obligation.
The commodification of our every waking moment is also to the same end. Subscriptions to everything, automatic payments connected to your bank accounts, making debit cards ubiquitous (because CC companies get money every single time you use their cards), creating credit scores, creating a middle man to getting healthcare, consolidating healthcare providers, allowing venture capitalists to take over our pet care industry, opaquely controlling the prices of our food, forcing us to turn to legalized loansharks for the luxury of living paycheck-to-paycheck, hell even conveniences like quick meals or horrors like state run mental institutions and Native American “boarding schools": all to make it as hard as possible live without the “luxuries” that the money hoarders
desperately need us to be dependent upon.
The phrase “follow the money” didn't spring forth from nowhere after all.
So I'll say again, what we spend our time, energy and money on matters immensely. Start carefully evaluating where you are spending your resources, and start finding ways to become less and less dependent on the money hoarders, no matter how impossible that might feel. And start building up your communities so knowledge is just that much harder (i.e. cost prohibitive) to eradicate through propaganda.
Want to start growing your own food? Now is the perfect time to start planning next year’s garden so start researching ethical, sustainable and Indigenous ways to grow food and source supplies now. Want to learn a skill that your ancestors had but didn’t get passed down to you? Start researching how to reclaim and disseminate that knowledge. Want to arm yourself so that you feel protected? Don’t you dare buy new arms, and you'd better learn how to make your own projectiles to boot. Want to create art? Make sure it says something constructive/eye opening/perspective shifting to someone else. Work for a company that causes harm? Start researching gremlins. Have control over purchases made for your employer? Start convincing them to switch to more ethical companies/products/etc.
No action means much in isolation. But then we don’t live in isolation do we. In fact we have so much fucking power in this world that money hoarders parted with MASSIVE amounts of their precious money just to convince us we are powerless. DON'T give them their money’s worth.
Get Your Tickets FOR NEXT YEAR I GUESS Here: Tape Freaks presents: Mystery Movie @ the Trylon, 7pm $5