June 5, 2024

June's Mystery Movie

Total shock I know, but:


This month's move theme: A film for the whole family.

Hints: This month's movie is a family film that makes Thunder of Gigantic Serpent look like a sensible Sunday evening stroll. Though this is not a Godfrey Ho film, there are familiar names and faces abound. Honestly there's no way to hint at the ride this movie is going to take you on!

Content Warnings: No content of note this month.

If you have additional concerns/questions about this month's film, feel free to reach out through facebook, or email info@TimMonsters.com we will happily address any concerns, big or small. We want fun surprises for everyone!

Mutual Aid Suggestion: This month's mutual aid suggestion is to replace one packaged or disposable item you regularly consume, with one that is package free (or packaged less) or is reusable. Do you buy coffee at a coffee shop? Bring a reusable container. Do you make coffee at home? Buy bulk beans. Do you buy clamshells of cherry tomatoes or berries? Try growing your own. Walk or bike somewhere you'd normally drive, decline paper or plastic bags, make dinner using the food you have at home, find alternatives to pesticides/herbicides in your home and lawn care. Every one of these things you can swap into your life, is another way you've removed yourself from an industry that should have been replaced long ago. An industry with only one: to ensure that our dependance on their products (oil, gas, plastic, chems, etc) persists until the planet yeets us off it's face, or they have all the world's currency. Reassess your relationships with everything, always.

Get Your Tickets FOR NEXT MONTH Here: Tape Freaks presents: Mystery Movie @ the Trylon, 7pm $5