This movie had me at hello. There is nothing I love more than an eco-horror movie, especially if there half understandings of science and far flung conclusions in it. But this movie also offers two bat-shit crazy villains, loads of 90's-ness, and fantastic dinosaur effects. Well, fantastic considering this movie was thrown together and released to beat Jurassic Park to theaters. (This was also one of our previous Tape Freaks movies, if you missed your chance at snagging a poster,
we've still got a couple left here!)
The plot unfolds something like this: Eunice Corporation has employed a clearly mad bioengineer who has taken it upon herself to re-introduce dinosaurs to the planet. But she's not happy stopping there (being clearly mad and all), she's going to wipe out the human race in the process. And, unlike most movie villains, she's not monologuing...

Things to watch for: The best mad fill-in-the-blank scientist to grace a b-movie. Obligatory 90s wire rim glasses. A politician being bribed to support food additives by the head of the company making the additives whose crouched on a conference table (on all fours) feeding him blueberry pie. Lovely dinosaur effects by
Magical Media Industries Inc headed up by
John Carl Buechler.
Watch if you loved: Blood Freak, The Bay, or Jurassic Park.
What we learned: Letting an employee you already don't trust sign a contract that prevents you from checking in on what they're working on
might result in them releasing dinosaurs back into the world.
Best quote found while researching this movie: “That [Diane] Ladd took this role just a few years after her Oscar-nominated turn in Wild at Heart is a testament to the sheer dearth of opportunities available for older actresses.” -
Scott Meslow, The Week
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