September 4, 2024

September's Mystery Movie

Ok. You've finally done it. TAPE FREAKS IS NOW SOLD OUT FOR THE REMAINDER OF 2024. We don't even know what to do with that information! If you're a gambler, you can arrive at the Trylon when the doors open to get on the standby list, there have been a couple tickets available by show start at each of our sold out shows.

This month's move theme: Warmth, is it really worth all the trouble?

Hints: This month's movie will teach you a few new things about Japanese customs, furniture, and superstitions. That is, if you can keep track of your running list of questions until you have access to the internet again... This absurd horror-comedy is subtitled, and falls firmly in the "What the F@#?" category.

Content Warnings: No content warning that we can recall, but never hesitate to ask if you have content concerns!

If you have other content concerns, feel free to reach out (facebook or email at and we will happily address any concerns, big or small. We want fun surprises for everyone!

Mutual Aid Suggestion: This month's suggestion is to donate to a spay and neuter organization! We are currently trying to get another family of kittens in our ally fixed, and appointments fill up the moment they are available. It's harder than getting Tape Freaks tickets! But results in exponentially more kittens... Our go-to spay/neuter resource is MN SNAP, and you can donate to them here

Get Your Tickets FOR NEXT YEAR I GUESS Here: Tape Freaks presents: Mystery Movie @ the Trylon, 7pm $5 

August 7, 2024

August's Mystery Movie

Not only is this month's movie SOLD OUT, tickets are already selling for the next few months of screenings, and they only went live yesterday! And we didn't even tell anyone! However, occasionally there are relinquished tickets night of, so if anyone wants to gamble on stand-by tickets, just stop in and ask if we've got anyone signed up on the waitlist.

This month's move theme: How does electricity even work?

Hints: This month's movie stars a child actor who had a long and successful career in TV. The writer-director of this month's movie doesn't have much else credited to his name, but did feel this movie's release was handled poorly due to studio heads changing at the time of it's release. The writer-director of this month's movie also had a pretty loose handle on how electricity works...

Content Warnings: This month's movie contains lightning/electricity effects.

If you have additional concerns/questions about this month's film, feel free to reach out through facebook, or email we will happily address any concerns, big or small. We want fun surprises for everyone!

Mutual Aid Suggestion: This month's mutual aid suggestion is to share some of the great things Tim Walz has done for our state, so that people outside MN have a better idea on what he brings to the ticket! For instance, it isn't often I (Colette, the writing half of Tape Freaks) hear people talk about rural life in the ways that I experienced it. Usually all I hear are unrealistic caricatures of country folk trotted out solely to pay lip service to a class of people that have absolutely nothing to do with country life. But the rural upbringing Walz talked about in his introductory speech is the lived experience of rural Minnesotans, as it is for rural Appalachians and rural people the country over. But don't get me started on how that became the lived experience for rural Americans, because it's no coincidence that I'm anticapitalist! My understanding of how corporations and lobbyists are not to be trusted, stems from how they fucked the American farmland the moment they discovered the loopholes they could... hold on, I'm regretting my metaphor setup... Anyway! Walz isn't paying lip service to anyone when he talks about the American farmland. He's got an extensive record of supporting our farmers in ways that help FARMERS, not the companies trying to exploit them, and I for one am FUCKING HERE FOR THAT. 

Get Your Tickets FOR NEXT MONTH Here: Tape Freaks presents: Mystery Movie @ the Trylon, 7pm $5 

July 3, 2024

July's Mystery Movie

 Well, it happened again. And next month's screening has 15 tickets as I write this! 


This month's move theme: Always keep important stuff in jars.

Hints: The director of this month's movie has the interesting honor of directing one film that launched a particular production company into the stratosphere, and then much later directing this, one of said companies final films. This month's movie has little understanding of human biology. Come to think of it, this month's movie might not have a full grasp on technology either.

Content Warnings: [MILD SPOILER] Characters in this month's movie discuss human fertility quite a bit.

If you have additional concerns/questions about this month's film, feel free to reach out through facebook, or email we will happily address any concerns, big or small. We want fun surprises for everyone!

Mutual Aid Suggestion: This month's mutual aid suggestion is to familiarize yourself with the horrifying plan the vile sycophants who've glommed onto 45 have for his next term: Project 2025 (link takes you to Last Week Tonight's breakdown of it). 

Get Your Tickets FOR NEXT MONTH (If There's Any Left) Here: Tape Freaks presents: Mystery Movie @ the Trylon, 7pm $5 

June 5, 2024

June's Mystery Movie

Total shock I know, but:


This month's move theme: A film for the whole family.

Hints: This month's movie is a family film that makes Thunder of Gigantic Serpent look like a sensible Sunday evening stroll. Though this is not a Godfrey Ho film, there are familiar names and faces abound. Honestly there's no way to hint at the ride this movie is going to take you on!

Content Warnings: No content of note this month.

If you have additional concerns/questions about this month's film, feel free to reach out through facebook, or email we will happily address any concerns, big or small. We want fun surprises for everyone!

Mutual Aid Suggestion: This month's mutual aid suggestion is to replace one packaged or disposable item you regularly consume, with one that is package free (or packaged less) or is reusable. Do you buy coffee at a coffee shop? Bring a reusable container. Do you make coffee at home? Buy bulk beans. Do you buy clamshells of cherry tomatoes or berries? Try growing your own. Walk or bike somewhere you'd normally drive, decline paper or plastic bags, make dinner using the food you have at home, find alternatives to pesticides/herbicides in your home and lawn care. Every one of these things you can swap into your life, is another way you've removed yourself from an industry that should have been replaced long ago. An industry with only one: to ensure that our dependance on their products (oil, gas, plastic, chems, etc) persists until the planet yeets us off it's face, or they have all the world's currency. Reassess your relationships with everything, always.

Get Your Tickets FOR NEXT MONTH Here: Tape Freaks presents: Mystery Movie @ the Trylon, 7pm $5 

May 1, 2024

May's Mystery Movie



Sold out again... What have we done?! 

This month's move theme: Sometimes guessing the future gets more right than not.

Hints: This month's movie features one actor with a famous face accessory, and another who's famous face accessory is only worn for his non-acting day job. This might be the closest together we've screened one director's films. This movie is a dark, gritty, fairly bleak, action sci-fi movie, that's also rated PG-13!

Content Warnings: No content of note this month.

If you have additional concerns/questions about this month's film, feel free to reach out through facebook, or email we will happily address any concerns, big or small. We want fun surprises for everyone!

Mutual Aid Suggestion: This month our mutual aid suggestion is heavier than usual. This past Thursday, Twin Cities movie theaters lost their most prolific and dedicated audience member, Michael Huspeni. Many Tape Freaks attendees will recognize him from our screenings, though ours were but a drop in his movie viewing bucket. Through his insatiable consumption of film, he crossed paths with many people in our film community, and as seemingly unaware and inarguably eccentric as Mike was, he was ever-ready to express his appreciation of his likeminded theater comrades. Whether in the form of a thoroughly thought out question-and-answer joke featuring a long-forgotten starlet of the silver screen, or a hand-written proposal for a film series written in a tongue-in-cheek style so dry that you question your perception of reality the moment you finish reading it, or simply through an enthusiastic "Thanks boss!"; Mike made sure we all knew that he not only saw us, but also thought of us as so much more than strangers in the flickering dark. So this month's mutual aid suggestion, as will now be every May's suggestion, is to spend the month taking inventory of the people that contribute to the fabric of your life, and to let them know that you truly see them. Write a "you're great" note, tell them a joke tailored to your shared interests, or simply tell them "thanks" in a way that will stand out in their day. And however you decide to communicate your appreciation, add a couple pinches of eccentric flair for good measure πŸ’–πŸ“ΌπŸ’–

Mike Huspeni's funeral information can be found here, and if you have a Mike story (long or short) you can share to help bring his family and friends solace, you can do that here. πŸ–€πŸ“ΌπŸ–€

Get Your Tickets FOR NEXT MONTH Here: Tape Freaks presents: Mystery Movie @ the Trylon, 7pm $5 

Thanks boss!

April 3, 2024

April's Mystery Movie



You guys, this is getting out of hand. So far this year, we've sold out every month! Bananas.

This month's move theme: Did you know that Aztec people are alive on this continent today? Also, did you know that they're largely responsible for one of the best cuisines on our food-filled planet? From Wikipedia: "Mexican cuisine continues to be based on staple elements of Mesoamerican cooking and, particularly, of Aztec cuisine: corn, chili, beans, squash, tomato, avocado. Many of these staple products continue to be known by their Nahuatl names, carrying in this way ties to the Aztec people who introduced these foods [...] to the world. Through spread of ancient Mesoamerican food elements, particularly plants, Nahuatl loan words (chocolate, tomato, chili, avocado, tamale, taco, pupusa, chipotle, pozole, atole) have been borrowed [...] into other languages around the world." Just checking...

Hints: Pretty sure this month's movie was made by people who didn't know any of the above. (And I know I have the internet, but if all that is true now, it was true then too.) This month's movie is also weird on nearly every front it could be, so maybe Aztec culture isn't the only subject they could use a refresher on.

Content Warnings: The action in this movie is mainly driven by misconceptions of Aztec culture. 

If you have additional concerns/questions about this month's film, feel free to reach out through facebook, or email and Tim or I will happily address any concerns, big or small. We want fun surprises for everyone!

Mutual Aid Suggestion: This one is super easy, take yourself out for Mexican food, and tip HUGE. We are so extremely spoiled with excellent Mexican food in the metro, and not unlike other ethnic cuisines, the prices we pay for that food doesn't line up with the amount of effort and skill that goes into making it for the masses πŸ’–πŸ“ΌπŸ’–

Get Your Tickets FOR NEXT MONTH Here: Tape Freaks presents: Mystery Movie @ the Trylon, 7pm $5 

March 6, 2024

March's Mystery Movie

The swing from last month's movie to this month's movie may be the most drastic yet, but that hardly matters because:


Again, I know! Who knew this year we'd be so popular? Certainly not us!

This month's move theme: Did you know dragons eat lettuce?

Hints: This month's movie stars an actor who also stared in a film we screened only a few months ago. This month's movie is directed by someone who has action coordinating credits on some pretty noteworthy films. This movie is weird, impressive, unpredictable, sometimes all at once!

Content Warnings: No content warning that we noted, but please reach out if you ever have concerns!

If you have additional concerns/questions about this month's film, feel free to reach out through facebook, or email and Tim or I will happily address any concerns, big or small. We want fun surprises for everyone!

Mutual Aid Suggestion: This month's mutual aid suggestion is easy breezy! Prepare yourself to vote. If you haven't already, take the "quiz" at I Side With to see which candidates align with your political values. (Don't forget to click the "show more" button at the end of each section, you can get shockingly deep into each topic.) Closer to the election day, double check what else will be on your ballot. And if you want your political party to take specific actions, start making noise now and keep it up until they act! πŸ’–πŸ“ΌπŸ’–

Get Your Tickets FOR NEXT MONTH Here: Tape Freaks presents: Mystery Movie @ the Trylon, 7pm $5