I'm a sucker for anti-consumerism movies and They Live is the crown jewel. Here are some reasons you should join us for the screening for this fabulous movie:
glasses: Nothing feels worse than having the wool pulled over your
eyes. Conversely, nothing feels better than ripping that wool away!
When Piper puts on the sunglasses for the first time and sees things
as they really are, many things we feel deep down to be true are
confirmed in the most satisfying way. There's no explaining it away;
we are being manipulated by a higher class, and we have to rise up
and smash the overlords! (In the movie of course...)
friendly fight scene in history: Roddy Piper and Keith David pound
each other for 6 min straight, it's amazing! What are they fighting
over? Piper just wants his friend to put on the glasses!
of the line: “I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass...
and I'm all out of bubble gum.”
Fairy: His “OBEY” theme has it's roots in this film's subliminal
advertising campaign.
Foster: With her terrifyingly pretty blue eyes.
Ultimately, this is a quintessential wake-up-and-smell-the-coffee movie wrapped in an epic 80s action movie. Come enjoy it on the big screen again, or for the first time, with us tonight at The Theaters of MOA (on 35mm). Movie starts at 7:30 and Tim will have screen prints of his poster design for this series for sale at the theater!
Psssst hey!: If you can't make it to the screening but want a poster Tim has them up for sale on his Timmonsters Etsy page. (I totally see the irony of shilling here, but it's a badass poster!)