The worst thing about my actual birthday falling on February's Tape Freaks screening, is that March's screening will then be on the first, which the shortest time possible (I believe) between two screenings. (Interestingly, my birthday proper won't land on another Tape Freaks screening until the year 2034!) Good thing this month's movie is the one we had planned for January, it took the sting off February being so dang short.
This month's theme: Gaslit by the Devil.
Hints: This month's movie could be considered a vacation-gone-wrong film, or a road-trip movie, or even a fairly straight forward 70s action movie. It co-stars a member of an acting dynasty, his real-life bff, and an actress who's face is inextricably linked to the work for which she is most famous.
Content Warnings: There is an animal character's death. (That animal is also clearly drugged in one scene, in order to give the appearance of a deceased buddy.) There's also violence directed at snakes. (Why is it always snakes?)
Get Your Tickets Here: Tape Freaks presents: Mystery Movie @ the Trylon, 7pm $5