January 2, 2024

January's Mystery Movie

This month's move theme: Advances in technology cannot be trusted.

Hints: On paper, this sci-fi thriller should have been a success, however it was poorly received by both audiences and critics. This movie stars capable and well regarded actors, was written by a well regarded writer, and was directed by someone who even had a few successes under his belt. 

Content Warnings: Light flashes. Not strobing, but it happens often enough that it's worth mentioning. 

If you have additional concerns/questions about this month's film, feel free to reach out through facebook, or email info@TimMonsters.com and Tim or I will happily address any concerns, big or small. We want fun surprises for everyone!

Mutual Aid Suggestion: This month's mutual aid suggestion is the same as last month, because I'm writing this on Tuesday night! So contribute to Community Driven! They're a non-profit that works with medium-to-small scale local grocers and restaurants, taking their potential food-waste and delivering it to appropriate food distribution non-profits. (Most food-rescue non-profits won't work with smaller scale businesses due to how inconsistent their surplus can be.) Community Driven's websiteinstagram and facebook πŸ’–πŸ“ΌπŸ’–

Get Your Tickets Here: Tape Freaks presents: Mystery Movie @ the Trylon, 7pm $5