Crank: Kaylo (Efren Ramirez) is recruited by Chev to find people with information on the men responsible for poisoning him. Kaylo ends up being kidnapped by those men, who later kill him.
Crank: High Voltage: While on the look out for the men responsible for his new situation, Chev runs into Venus, who turns out to be Kaylo's twin brother. Chev explains to Venus that the men he's after were responsible for Kaylo's death, and Venus joins forces with him to avenge his brother.
Efren & Carlos Ramirez: Even though Efren's real life identical twin is an actor, Efren played his own twin in both of these movies. (Though it seems Carlos made uncredited appearances in both.)
We seriously love these movies: If you love over the top action flicks and you haven't seen these movies, put them at the top of your list like yesterday. Even giving away the plot points above, we didn't spoil a thing. In fact, I could tell you the end of Crank and it wouldn't spoil one second of High Voltage.
Bonus character-dies-and-twin-is-revealed-in-the-sequel movies: City Slicers & City Slickers 2. At the end of the first movie Curly (Jack Palance) dies, but Palance comes back in the sequel to play Curly's identical-but-before-unmentioned twin, Duke Washburn.

This is incorrect information. Although Carlos Ramirez was uncredited, he did in fact play one of the twins alongside Efren Ramirez in Crank: High Voltage.